Updated Feb 10, 2025

Nativator Explained: Pros, Cons, and How It Works

Table of Contents
What is Nativator?
Pros and Cons of Using Nativator
Is Nativator Right for You?
Adalo: An App Builder that Doesn’t Need Nativator

In this article, we’ll cover Nativator’s functionalities and the following points:

  • An introduction to Nativator and how the platform works 
  • Pros and cons of using Nativator 
  • Adalo, an app builder that lets you bypass Nativator 

What is Nativator?

Before we explore Nativator and its functionalities, let's discuss the 3 main types of apps: 

  1. Web apps
  2. Progressive web apps (PWAs)
  3. Native mobile apps

You can access web apps like a website — just type in the URL (www.SITE.com) into your browser. 

PWAs and native mobile apps are downloaded to your phone. The difference between them is that users must download your PWA through a link, while they can download native mobile apps directly through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. 

So, if you built your app using a no-code platform that only allows for web-app publishing, you can use Nativator to transform your web app into native mobile apps for publishing on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. 

Publishing on the app store is very advantageous as it allows for the following: 

  • Your users don’t need to find a link to download your app directly to their phones — finding it requires only a simple search in the app store search engines
  • Native mobile apps (and some PWAs) typically have more power than web apps. For instance, users can send push notifications, leverage GPS features, access device hardware, and more. 
  • The Apple App Store and Google Play Store have a combined monthly user count of over 1 billion — and most of these app store users are keen to download apps they might find useful. So, app store publishing is critical to get your app in front of an enormous audience. How Does Nativator Work? 

Let’s assume you’ve already created a web app or website and that the app builder or programming language you used doesn’t allow you to release a native mobile app. Navigate to the Nativator home page and select a pricing plan. 

You can create an individual iOS (Apple) or Android (Google Play Store) app for $9.99/month (billed monthly) each, or you can build both for $17.99/month (billed monthly). We suggest publishing on both platforms to get your app in front of as many eyeballs as possible. 

Here’s a quick overview of how to use Nativator:

  1. After you’ve set up your Nativator account, go to the building interface and enter your web app URL. 
  1. Customize your app by adding features and more.
  1. Submit your build to Nativator, and they’ll send you back an APK or AAP file for Google, an iOS build for Apple, as well as a test file. Download the test file to your phone and thoroughly review all its features to ensure everything runs smoothly. 
  1. Create iOS and Android developer accounts and send your build file to them, beginning the publishing process for both platforms.‍


Pros and Cons of Using Nativator

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from Nativator:


  • Cheap: Nativator’s most expensive version only costs $17.99/month (billed monthly). So, if you built your app or website using an inexpensive platform, you might pay between $50-$60 monthly for both Nativator and your web app builder. 
  • Provides loads of native features: Many web apps and website builders don’t offer native mobile features, like push notifications, geolocation, camera access, and more. Nativator lets you add these mobile-friendly features to your app using simple drag-and-drop and point-and-click functionalities.  
  • Relatively simple: Nativator is a no-code platform that allows anyone without coding knowledge or technical skills to transform their web app into a native mobile app. Plus, the platform enables you to create your files for app store publishing relatively quickly.   

Unfortunately, everything in life comes with tradeoffs, including Nativator. Here are some of the cons:


  • Performance and customization issues: You might encounter more bugs and glitches if you use Nativator than you would if you built it through a native-mobile-friendly platform or coding. 

    These issues might be more challenging to fix through Nativator, as it’s a platform that focuses more on converting web apps to native mobile apps than specializing in building native mobile apps.  

    Some functionalities, like a booking, live chat, or payment feature, might not fully transfer to Nativator, resulting in a native mobile app that’s less powerful than your web app. 
  • Different appearance: When transforming your web app into a native mobile one, some of the original aesthetics might not appear the way you intended. This means that certain elements may be out of their original places or positioned awkwardly.   
  • App store acceptance: While Nativator produces the files necessary to publish to the app stores, they may contain flaws that result in their rejection from publishing. Flaws could include content, features, and designs that don’t meet app store standards. 

    Because Nativator doesn’t provide as many in-depth design capabilities, resolving these issues could result in many headaches. 

Is Nativator Right for You?

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to transform your simple website or web app into a native mobile app, you might want to consider Nativator. After all, its services cost as little as $9.99/month. 

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Adalo: An App Builder that Doesn’t Need Nativator

Want to build a web app and a native mobile app from the same template simultaneously without worrying about enlisting a service like Nativator? Go with Adalo. 

Adalo is a no-code native mobile and web app builder that perfectly balances simplicity and power. It’s easy to use immediately after signing up, yet it packs enough power to create any app. 

Pick from nearly 40 templates, boost your app’s functionality with features like a Stripe integration, chat function, GPS tools, and more. You can publish your web app and use the same version of an app for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. 

When you build with Adalo, you won’t need to worry about major reconfiguration to publish in the app stores.  Get Adalo today for free. Did you know? You can transform your web application into a native mobile app using Nativator for as little as $9.99 per month. This tool makes your apps available on the vast platforms of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. 

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