Updated Sep 30, 2024

How To Build an App From Scratch: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Did you know? Building an app from scratch with traditional methods can cost upwards of $100,000 just to get started. For many businesses, that’s a huge investment — before even proving the concept.

But here’s the good news: You can start building your app for free using no-code platforms. With tools like Adalo, you can create a minimum viable product (MVP) and test it out before scaling up, all for less than $50 a month.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • 5 methods to build an app from scratch
  • A step-by-step guide to building your app
  • Getting started with Adalo’s free version

Let’s explore why starting small with no-code is the smart move.

5 Different Methods To Build an App from Scratch





Complete control over
design and functionality

Requires extensive coding
knowledge and is expensive


Faster development with some flexibility
and more budget-friendly

Limited customization options


No coding required, easy to learn,
and budget-friendly

Not suitable for highly
complex apps


Combines best aspects of
other methods

Requires external support for
complex features

Hiring a

Full control and maintenance

High cost and reliance on
an external team

Currently, you can develop your app using the 5 following methods:

  • Traditional Coding: This is using a conventional coding language, like Kotlin, Swift, or Java, to create your app by typing hundreds to hundreds of thousands of lines of code. You’ll need to have mastered a coding language if you want to go this route. 
  • Low-Code App Builders: These app builders require a technical background, such as knowledge of the logic behind coding structure, how APIs work, and more. However, they also blend in no-code elements like a drag-and-drop interface to develop certain app parts quickly and without monotonous coding. 
  • No-Code App Builders (e.g., Adalo): You won’t need any coding knowledge or technical background to use a no-code app builder. These leverage drag-and-drop interfaces that function like photo-editing software, allowing for relatively quick and simple app development. 
  • Hybrid Development: This is development done using two or more methods. One popular approach, for instance, is to create a base model with a low — or no-code platform, then further develop more complex or unique features with traditional coding or contracting development out to an agency. 
  • Hiring a Development Team: This involves contracting an app development agency to create your app with code, low-code, or no-code. You’ll need to shop around, make some contacts, and determine which agency is right for you. You may be working with them long-term, particularly for maintenance and updates. 

Ultimately, the app-building method you choose depends mainly on your previous tech experience, time limitations, and budget. In Step 2, we’ll discuss the development factors in more detail. 

Steps To Build Your App From Scratch

It’s important to remember that app development is a marathon, not a sprint. We recommend you thoroughly and thoughtfully execute each step in the guide. Building your app with care can help ensure your final product’s quality will stand out from your competitors. 

Step 1: Define Your App Idea and Purpose

Before you choose how to develop your app, you’ll need a clear purpose for the tasks your app will execute and how your app will add value to users. Get out a piece of paper or tablet and answer the following questions: 

  • What is your app’s name? 
  • Who is your app’s target audience? 
  • What are the main tasks your app will execute? (booking appointments, selling goods, delivering content, etc.) 
  • How will your app differ, in terms of usability and functionality, from your competitors? 
  • Will you release your app on the web, the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or all 3 platforms? 
  • On a daily basis, how much maintenance and updates will your app require? 
  • What is your marketing plan? 

Next, research the market by searching for apps like yours in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store search function. Read through each app description, look at screenshots and videos provided, and even download a few to get a feel for their functionality. 

Take notes on the recurring keywords, app descriptions, and each app's general feel and functionality. You’ll refer to these notes when building your app, as your main goals are to provide a superior user experience (UX) through seamless functionalities and better features.   

One last note: We recommend you publish your app on the web as a web app and in the app stores (native mobile app). While users won’t download web apps to their phones like they would native mobile apps, they’ll still be able to access your app using an internet browser, which can provide your app with more traction and more of an audience. 

Step 2: Choose Your Development Approach

Now that you have your ideas on paper and a sense of your competition, it's time to determine how you want to develop your app. Consider the following when selecting a development method:

  • Your fluency in or willingness to learn coding languages. 
  • Your level of technical knowledge — not necessarily knowing a programming language, but knowing how computers and code work. 
  • How complex your app will be — if your app has tons of features, like a comprehensive app that manages your hotel’s staff and guests use for booking and room service. 
  • The amount of time you have to build your app.
  • Your budget goals.

A good rule of thumb is this: More complex apps will require loads of time to develop. Additionally, some apps, such as certain games or intricate internal business apps for large organizations, can only be created using traditional coding. 

However, as we mentioned earlier, hiring a development team can cost anywhere from $5,000 to over $100,000, depending on the complexity of the app and the team's expertise.

Consider No-Code Platforms 

Low-code and no-code platforms like Adalo are suitable for people who need to develop an app quickly for their small or medium-sized businesses. These platforms are easy to learn and use yet powerful enough to bring many apps for these organizations into reality. 

You’ll also find several options that can accommodate nearly any budget, ranging from around $0/month for free tiers to over $100/month. But you can find plenty of good plans for less than $50 a month.  

It’s a good idea to look at the pricing pages of each no-code app builder you consider to understand how each specific tier meets your needs. Adalo offers a popular option starting at $36/month (billed annually), giving you 5GB of storage space, publishing to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, and more.  

Step 3: Planning and Designing Your App’s Features and Structure

Ok, folks, we’re nearly at the point where we can put in some digital elbow grease and start crafting our apps! But first, you’ll need to draw up some plans and list your app’s functionalities. So, grab all the notes you took during Step 1 (answers to our questions and market research), and let's get started. 

First, let’s get an idea of how your app will appear before we list its various functionalities and features. By drawing up each screen, you can note what tasks it will execute. But don’t literally “draw” each screen on a sheet of paper — use a wireframing tool like one offered by Figma or Miro

A wireframing tool lets you draft your app’s blueprint on a computer, simplifying the correction and editing process and familiarizing you with a drag-and-drop interface.  Now, list each of your app's features and mark where they will appear on your app. 

Importantly, when building your app, you should always consider UX, your app’s appearance, and the overall user journey. Doing this can help ensure that your final product appears aesthetically pleasing and offers a clutter-free app experience so folks continue to use your app. 

Step 4: Understanding and Developing Your App’s Parts 

Once you have your wireframes and plans in order, let’s give a brief overview of the 3 parts of any app. App development involves building each of the following:  

  1. Frontend: Also known as the user interface (UI), the front is the part of your app that users will see and tap — in other words, it’s your app’s screens, buttons, pictures, and much more. 
  1. Backend: This “behind the scenes” component is your app’s control center. It will pull up information requested by users, switch screens, connect with APIs and third-party platforms, and much more. 
  1. Database: The database serves as your app’s storage center and works closely with the backend. It provides information that the backend sends to users and stores new information brought in by the backend.  

    Now, let's look at the initial stages of getting started building your app with the different app-creation methods we listed at the beginning. Here are the first steps for each type of development: 
  • Traditional coding: Open up your coding software and start typing in lines of code.
  • No-code or low-code: Using a no-code tool like Adalo or other low-code tools, you can start building your app by picking a template that suits your needs. Then, you’ll edit the template for colors and structure, using drag-and-drop components while adding plugins and third-party integrations.
  • Hybrid or agency outsourcing: Start connecting with different agencies and give them a glimpse of what you’ve got planned by providing them with wireframe samples, what you intend for them to create, and (if you’re going hybrid) what you’ll make first.  

Step 5: Developing Your App’s Frontend, Backend, and Database

When building your app from scratch, this step will most likely take the most time, as you’ll literally be putting your app together. Here’s how app development will most likely take shape for each platform:

  • Traditional coding: You’ll most likely develop your frontend and backend using JavaScript, CSS, and others. If you’re making an app for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, you’ll most likely use Swift for iOS (Apple) and Kotlin for Android (Google). Both Swift and Kotlin can also be used for backend development. 

    You’ll also need to create your database using a database builder like PostgreSQL, Xano, Airtable, and others. 
  • No-code or low-code: These platforms can help you build all three parts of your app interactively by moving pieces around a building canvas and creating a database like you’d make a spreadsheet. 

    Adalo has a built-in database, a front end with loads of templates to start from, and a back end that lets you build customized commands. However, others, like Softr, require a premade third-party database before building other parts of your app.  
  • Hybrid or agency development: It’s possible to create one or two parts of your app, get a start on all three, and then outsource the rest of your development to an agency. 

Whether you’ve wholly outsourced full app development to an agency or a development team is only finishing a few pieces of your app, communicate closely with the developers during the building process. This could drastically reduce the chances of surprises (not the good kind) when they present you with your finished product.   

Importantly, when establishing your app's backend infrastructure, setting up a robust environment that includes databases, servers, and APIs is crucial. This allows the app to process data effectively, handle user requests securely, and scale as user demand grows. 

It’s also essential to choose the right server architecture. If it’s on-prem (within your company’s building), your IT team will adore you, as it simplifies managing your app’s security and makes scaling more manageable.

A few no-code app builders, such as Betty Blocks, allow for on-prem hosting, but this is usually reserved for giant organizations and Fortune 500s. 

Don’t have the luxury of hosting on your own servers? Hosting on reputable cloud providers is the next best option. Most no-code and low-code platforms like Adalo and Bubble host with Amazon Web Services (AWS), and you won’t need to worry about sorting your hosting out. 

However, hosting is something you’ll need to get sorted yourself if you go the traditional coding route. Additionally, if you’re pursuing hybrid and agency development, determine if the agency will help you get hosted. 

Step 6: Integrating Core Functionalities and Integrations

Core features and functionalities make your app stand out, perform smoothly, and provide an excellent UX. Here are just a few features you should consider: 

  • Adding a user login plugin enables folks to create their own account if they’re using your app often. 
  • If you have any app that takes payments, you’ll need an integration with a payment platform like Stripe, PayPal, or Square. 
  • Push notifications allow you to send your clients notifications about deals, sales, or upcoming appointments directly through your app.
  • Getting a Zapier integration. Zapier is a tool that connects your app to 1,000s of third-party platforms like QuickBooks and MailChimp, allowing you to transfer data directly from these outside accounts to your app.   

Traditional coders will have to program these functionalities into their apps and utilize API keys to connect with third-party plugins. If you’re going the hybrid or agency route, you’ll need to ensure that the development teams put the required functionalities in your app. 

For those choosing a no-code app builder like Adalo or a low-code platform, rest assured that most of these app builders come with integrations to major payment platforms, Zapier, and all the other popular tools you’d consider using with your app. 


Step 7: Perform Security Checks

Performing security checks is crucial to ensure that user data is protected and your app complies with regulatory frameworks. Here are two ways to proceed:

1. Ensure Compliance with Relevant Regulations

Security begins with understanding the legal requirements that apply to your app. For instance, if you’re making an app for medical services, it must be HIPAA compliant. It's also important to stay updated with current regulations, as they tend to change. Failure to comply with the newest regulation could result in your app getting shut down or worse. 

2. Implement Security Measures such as Data Encryption, Secure Authentication, and Privacy Settings

Your app will gather and transmit user data, so it’s essential to safeguard this. Lock down your user data by following this 3-pronged approach:

  • Data encryption: Store and transmit data using robust encryption protocols like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). Encrypting data at rest and in transit protects it from bad actors by making it unreadable without the proper decryption key.
  • Secure authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security. This requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to their accounts, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Privacy settings: Provide users with adjustable privacy settings to let them control the visibility of their personal information. This empowers users and bolsters trust, as they can manage who sees their data and how it is used.

For traditional coders and folks taking a hybrid approach, you should be able to create your security protocols, data encryption, and more. However, becoming HIPAA compliant requires you to follow a serious process because medical apps contain sensitive patient medical info. 

Most no-code and low-code builders rely on a cloud hosting service to provide data security measures, so it's a good idea to sign up with an app builder that uses a reliable cloud host like AWS. Many app builders, like Adalo and Bubble, have basic data encryption functions and secure authentication. 

Only a few no-code and low-code platforms, such as Jotform and Xano, are HIPAA-compliant. So, if you’re making an app for medical professionals with a no-code platform, always check and see if it’s HIPAA compliant. 

Step 8: Prepare for Launch

At this point in the app development process, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, before you publish your app to the web and app stores, it’s important to cross off the following: 

  • Write your app’s description: Remember your notes about your competitor’s keywords and keyword ideas for your app? It’s time to dust those off because you’ll need them now. 

    With your notes by your side, start writing your app description with your competitors’ keywords and synonyms. For instance, if a keyword is “salon booking app,” include the synonym “nail salon appointment app” (or whatever salon type matches yours). This helps your app appear in more search results for specific keywords, which can increase your app’s visibility in the app store search results. 

    It’s also essential to keep your description to the point: Although you’ll have a 4,000-character limit, write just enough to illustrate your app’s functionality. No one wants to read an app description that reminds them of a graduate school text.  
  • Design a standout icon: Your app’s icon will appear beside your app’s title in the app store search results and on users' phones when they download your app. So, people will think of your icon as both a “button to access your app” on their phone and your logo. 

    It goes without saying, but having an eye-catching app icon is absolutely essential. Don’t worry if you’ve never designed an icon: Get yourself a Looka account and create your own app icon. 
  • Functional screenshots and videos: Provide screenshots and videos of your app’s features and functionalities so users can see what they’re getting. Also, ensure these shots are clear and professional — bad ones will reflect poorly on you. 

If you plan to release a native mobile app with traditional coding, a no-code, or a low-code platform, you’ll need to make an icon, write a description, and provide screenshots. 

But, if you choose hybrid or agency development, you most likely won’t need to worry about writing your app’s description or designing your icon, as the folks you hire will do it for you. For obvious reasons, just ensure they get your approval before publishing — many 49ers fans would be appalled if their app icon were Dallas Cowboy colors. 

Step 9: Test Your App Thoroughly

Both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store have testing platforms. You’ll need to create an account for these platforms anyway (Apple costs $99/year, and Google charges a one-time $25 fee), so sign up for Google Play Testing and Apple’s Testflight while you're doing so. 

These testing platforms allow users to download your app to their phones, try it out, and provide feedback. While testing your app is optional, we recommend it — you’ll get valuable insights about your app’s performance, which you can use to improve.

Once again, traditional coders, no-code, and low-code developers must execute their own testing by creating accounts. Those outsourcing most likely won’t need to worry about testing — they’ll pay the agencies to do so.    

Step 10: Start and Finish Publishing Procedures

After running through your app testing, it’s time to start the publishing process, which differs on both platforms. We’ll give you a quick run-down of how to publish your app according to Apple’s and Google’s procedures:

Apple’s Publishing Procedures

  1. Log into App Store Connect using your Apple ID. Enter your app’s title, icon, meta description, screenshots, and video, and provide all the other required info.
  1. Submit your app to iOS with Xcode. Now, it’s time to wait for Apple to review your app. 
  1. If your app is rejected, Apple will provide feedback.
  1. Follow Apple’s feedback and re-submit your app. If it is good to go, it can be published in as little as a few hours. 

Google’s Publishing Procedures

  1. Create a listing on Google Play with your app’s icon, title, meta description, and screenshots. Include all necessary information about your app, such as regions of availability, whether users will pay to download it, and more.  
  1. Produce an APK (Android Packet Kit) or AAB (Android App Bundle) file with Android Studio
  1. Navigate to Google Play Console and upload your APK or AAB.  
  1. Google will give you feedback if your app is rejected. Implement the necessary changes and get your app published.

Publishing a web app can be a much easier experience than publishing on the app stores. The vast majority of no-code and low-code platforms will provide you with instructions on how to publish to the web. 

Some no-code and low-code platforms will even provide you with a domain (www.YOURSITE.com) or website address. However, if you don’t have one, you’ll need to purchase one yourself, which you can do from a hosting service like GoDaddy. If you code your own app, you probably already know you need a domain. 

And if you’re outsourcing development to an agency, they’ll most likely register your domain as well — but it’s important to check that they do so.

Step 11: Monitor App Performance and Gather Feedback

Maintaining an app is like maintaining an airplane — it must work 100% of the time. Check-in with your app multiple times daily to ensure it’s running smoothly. Address any issues like bugs and glitches as soon as you find them. A poorly performing app will ruin your reputation. 

You can also use your app’s analytics function to pinpoint user locations, app dwell times, your most popular screens, and more. 

Additionally, allow users to post feedback about your app on the app store. This can help improve your app’s ranking in app store search results for Android and iOS, which means that it might appear at the top of the results for specific keywords. 

If you receive a negative review, contact the reviewer for more information. Resolving the issue can result in the reviewer deleting the negative review and writing a positive one that applauds how much you care about your audience.  

Step 12: Engagement, Marketing, and App Store Optimization

After your app has been live for a few days, announce its launch to your entire network via social media, email, text, YouTube, or any other communication platform. Doing this a few days after launch is like a restaurant’s soft opening: It allows you to iron out a few final wrinkles. 

If you want to expand your user base, consider marketing your app. We wrote an in-depth guide full of long-term strategies and bit-by-bit tactics that you can execute as soon as you publish your app. 

Are you looking to be the top dog in the app store rankings? Then check out our App Store Optimization article, which has tons of info to help move your app up in the App Store search results. 

Step 13: Iterate, Improve, and Scale Your App

Although your app is published, you’ll want to continue ensuring all its features and functionalities are current. For folks who’ve built on low-code and no-code platforms like Adalo, you’ll be able to find new updates to plugins and features to ensure your app always runs smoothly. 

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to completely revamp your app, like a restaurant menu. We don’t recommend doing this every six months because it could confuse users, but to ensure your app always has a modern look, give it a periodic face-lift. 

You’ll also want to ensure your app scales to accommodate many users. Properly scaling your app requires a robust backend, flexible cloud services from a reputable provider like AWS, and a few other factors. With these in place, your app can adjust to increased traffic demands automatically. 

Conclusion: Start Building Your App Today with Adalo

If you’re a techie, you might be best served using your coding skills or a low-code app builder. 

Those strapped for time should consider a hybrid approach or hiring an agency. Although costs could be high, your role in app development is essentially that of a consultant, not a creator.

But if you’re looking for an affordable and easy-to-use no-code app builder, look no further than Adalo. You’ll have nearly 40 templates to get your building started fast. Plus, you’ll be able to add 1,000s of third-party integrations and dozens of developer-made plugins, providing your app with serious power. 

When you finish building your app, Adalo lets you publish it on the web, in the Apple App Store, and in the Google Play Store. Sign up for Adalo’s free version and start creating your app now.

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